Date Published 04 October 2019
A landlord has been fined for putting a family at risk by not providing safety records for his gas appliances.
Peter Brown, of Cavendish Drive, Waterlooville, was ordered to pay £15,000 after Portsmouth magistrates found he had breached gas safety regulations and ignored a notice to get rid of damp and mould.
He was prosecuted by the Health & Safety Executive after a mother and her children moved into his property in Queens Road, Portsea, and for two years he failed to produce a copy of his annual gas safety check record.
Mr Brown pleaded guilty to three charges relating to breaches of safety, and was fined £11,500 and ordered to pay costs of £4,500. He was also ordered by the court to provide a gas safety check record for the property within two months.
After the hearing health and safety inspector Dozie Azubike said: ‘Mr Brown flagrantly disregarded his duties as a landlord, putting at risk the health and safety of his tenant and her children.‘ He has received a significant fine and now has two months, in line with the court order, to provide a gas safety check record for the property. ‘It is potentially an imprisonable offence to neglect gas safety and this should serve as a warning to other landlords'
Every year approximately 20 people die and many others suffer ill health from carbon monoxide poisoning. ‘It is common knowledge that unchecked gas appliances can become unsafe over time, exposing tenants to possible serious injuries or even fatality.'
For further information on gas safety checks visit