How The 2011 Census Affects Rental Properties

Date Published 27 March 2011

The 27th of March 2011 is Census day in the UK. Residents' in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are all legally bound to complete the Census to help the government plan for future services such as schools, hospitals and other amenities. It is your legal duty to do so; there is no getting around it!

Landlords; if you have a tenant occupying your property on the 27th March, it is their complete responsibility to complete the Census form and submit online or post it back in time.
However, if your property is vacant on the night of the 27th March, it therefore becomes your responsibility to complete the form.

It is understood that the local authorities of each country within the British Isles will not fine landlords or tenants for late submissions; however, a fine of up to £1,000 will be enforced for non-compliance.